The Courts reaction to the recent disorder

It is clear the courts’ have approached bail and sentencing in a different way following the recent disorder. Jon Black appeared on BBC London News to explain why.

The Prison Governor Association head has called it a ‘feeding frenzy’ which provoked an angry reaction from the Head of the Magistrates Association, who felt concerned at such comments, but it is clear the courts have dealt with recent offenders brought before them differently.

The BBC has examined the way courts have sentenced individuals, and whether or not they have been bailed following their first appearance, and the reaction has been much harsher than before the riots took place.

This does not appear to be part of an avowed policy aim, nor indeed in response to Court of Appeal guidelines, as there are none, however, it does seem as if there is a greater likelihood of being remanded in custody and being sentenced to a custodial sentence if you are in court accused of an offence linked to the recent public disorder.

Yesterday, Jon Black appeared on BBC London News to explain why this might be happening.