Allegations of historic sexual abuse

Allegations of historic sexual abuse are very much in the public eye.

It is no secret that the strain on Public funding has resulted in an ever increasing number  of our clients to seek Private Representation. At BSB Solicitors, we have an excellent track record of defending private clients. We have a dedicated Private Client team that will advise you of every aspect of your case and give you advice and guidance whenever and wherever you want it.

Private clients will and can expect a bespoke service. We aim for our clients to feel relaxed and confident with their legal team. Our highly qualified staff with extensive experience in all aspects of general and commercial crime is committed to delivering a comprehensive service that is value for money.

A full and highly professional service is provided from the initial point of contact through to trial. Our experience allows us to provide advice and assistance at the highest level at the police station to insure maximum disclosure of evidence is available from the investigating officers, so that advice at that early stage, which is key in any criminal case, is of the highest standard. In smaller cases such as one-off hearings or trials in the Magistrates’ Court we are often able to agree a fixed fee. We would be happy to arrange an appointment with you to discuss these options.

Fees will vary depending on the level of seriousness of the case, the volume of material and the complexity of the matter. Hourly rates depend on the level of fee earner employed to do the work and are agreed in advance. A written estimate will be given. Sometimes Private Representation is the preferred choice over large monthly Legal Aid contributions.

Our private clients can expect a highly professional and experienced team of lawyers who are dedicated to the successful outcome of our client’s case, which in turn has developed our ever growing reputation for such bespoke and discrete representation.


Sexual Offences

This is a sensitive area of law. Allegations of sexual offences can be difficult to defend because of the public attention they attract. The nature of the crimes can mean that it is the claimant’s word against the accused. The impact of an allegation of a sexual offence can be  particularly devastating. As such, it’s important to contact solicitors who are experienced in defending such cases .

We understand that facing allegations of this nature requires first class specialist defence lawyers providing legal advice, skills, representation and support. These cases require careful, thorough investigation and preparation. At BSB, our specialist lawyers are not only experienced within this area of the law but offer a service which is pro-active, discreet and professional. Additionally, we offer specialist and sensitive  advice on post conviction orders such as the Sex Offenders Register, Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPA), and orders preventing communication/working with young people.

Defending Historic Sexual Abuse Cases

In light of ongoing media coverage of historical sex abuse cases and the setting up of Operation Yewtree investigating cases of this nature, the number of individuals being investigated many years after the alleged events have increased. Historical sex abuse is undoubtedly emotive, controversial and complex. Prosecutions are based entirely on the complainant’s word against the defendant and there is no statute of limitations in reporting these offences.  Prosecutors often take the view that it is safer to put to complaint before a jury than to consign to the archived files.

Defending these cases is undoubtedly difficult, especially as they invariably involve complainants who were children or young teenagers at the time of the allegations. However, we have a solid reputation in defending cases of this nature and currently have a number of cases involving such allegations. Clients instruct us because of our immaculate attention to detail and our use of leading experts and barristers in this area.

Many of these cases involve false/transferred memory; collusion; suggestibility and false confession which require expert testimony and commentary. The defence would focus upon the complainants’ credibility as well as that of our client’s; there is rarely any scientific or corroborative evidence, so disclosure of evidence in these cases is fundamental.

We are happy to advise in these area of law and have a dedicated team headed by Jonathan Black specialising in this. Please contact Mr Black in confidence to discuss any issues you may have.


Read more about: sexual offences.