
It is hard not to feel a sense of ennui.

If the reaction by the courts following the ‘riots’ is anything to go by, the suggestions that ‘feral’ families are at fault  and that the riots were just about lawless looters  are difficult to ignore.

The courts have certainly approached things in that way, and have handed down ‘deterrent’ sentences. There are examples of people receiving custodial sentences when previously they would not have.

Yet there is a different story which is not being heard, but which is being told.

Perhaps it is too easy to focus on the way a model is sentenced, as appeared to be a focus of some of the Labour amendments to the crucial Legal Aid and Sentencing Bill when the Committee Stage was debated recently, but as this Government legislates it’s way towards a bright shiny new tomorrow, some people in Tottenham evidently still feel a sense of serious injustice about how what happened there.

We have had examples of police in different areas NOT carrying out s18 searches as they are too concerned at the possibility of a reaction if they turn up in N17. We act for people accused of offences following the recent disturbances, and have acted for people accused of offences in the Anti-Cuts protests. Some of the people in custody have apparently chosen not to be represented at all.

We  all have a duty to the people we live with, yet are we really able to connect? Do we care? How do we manage to compete with the influences that some of our young people are exposed to?

It may not be popular, but are we really clear about what we are doing? It is a tragedy that there is such creativity, and yet such disaffection.

Is any of this linked?