Out of date legislation, scoot over

Convenience-culture and heightened environmental awareness have ushered in the era of zero-carbon electric scooters. Department of Transport sanctioned  trial rental schemes started in 2020 and are running in selected areas across country. The fleets of branded e-scooters zipping across British cities and towns reflect the significant shift away from public transport to ensure social distancing, … Continued

BSB solicitors behind challenge to e scooter laws

  Two years ago we commissioned a survey which unveiled the lack of  awareness of the laws surrounding these scooters In recent months fines and penalty  points have been issued to hundreds  of e-scooter riders have been stopped by police in recent months as they look for safe socially distanced and climate friendly ways to … Continued

E-scooters for Christmas, fines in January .

 E-scooters Did you know that e-scooters fall within the definition of a motor vehicle? You would not be alone if you said no. BSB solicitors commissioned a survey of the general public last year which found that only 25% were aware that it was illegal to ride e-scooters anywhere except for private land. Due to … Continued

E Scooters – new rules enabling use

At the end of last year we published the findings of the survey findings on e-scooters which showed that the majority of our sample were unaware of the rules that prevented the growing motorised phenomenon from being used both on public roads and pavements. The Department for Transport are relaxing the rules on the use … Continued