Money Laundering – A Double Penalty?

  It is prevalent for money laundering offences (under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002) to be charged alongside other alleged criminality, particularly drug offences. Whilst dealing with the monetary gains from offending will indeed amount to a separate money laundering offence, it raises the question of how those offences should be sentenced. The approach … Continued

Economic Crime

A Bill is progressing through Parliament to set up a register of overseas entities and their beneficial owners and require overseas entities who own land to register in certain circumstances. It also makes provisions about unexplained wealth orders and sanctions. The Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Bill has three main objectives: To prevent and combat … Continued

Problem gambling and crime

  The Howard League for Penal Reform launched The Commission on Crime and Problem Gambling in 2019, and it is scheduled to end next year. The Commission seeks to answer three questions: What are the links between problem gambling and crime? What impact do these links have on communities and society? What should be done? … Continued

How long can seized cash be detained for ?

HMRC seized £35,000 cash in plastic carrier bags from a Mr Mann as it was suspected he was fraudulently evading excise duty. Boxes of vodka worth around £220,000 had also been found on the premises. Once cash is seized, it can be held for up to 48 hours, after which time an application must be … Continued